Documented reconstruction of the family tree

For ALL families, even those of the humblest origin, it is possible to carry out a genealogical research. Yesterday as today, the records of birth, baptism, marriage and death were drawn up for all people, without any distinction of class. Starting from the reliable data and the memories that the Client is able to provide, the search proceeds back to the most ancient documented ancestor. The research results are presented in a detailed report bound in an elegant volume, together with copies (photographs or certificates) of the original documents, one or more genealogical charts and any other attachments (family photographs, bibliography…).

Request for documents for obtaining Italian citizenship

For all citizens of Italian origin who wish to obtain Italian citizenship jure sanguinis, the Center provides the service of requesting and sending the necessary Italian certificates. The Center does not provide legal assistance.

Etymological research on Italian surnames

Based on the studies published by eminent philologists and glottologists, as well as on summaries and transcriptions of medieval documents present in its library, the Center is able to provide valid information on the etymology of many Italian surnames (in particular from Sicily and Southern Italy), on their oldest attestations and on their diffusion in the Italian territory.

Heraldic and nobiliary searches

Given that the Center does not intend to foment the vanity of those who suppose to descend from a noble family, searches for documents on the history of a noble family's titles and heraldic searches are services that the Center provides only in the following cases and for the following categories of Clients:

  • For those who aspire to be admitted to Orders of Knights that require documents proving the noble origins of the family
  • For all Clients in possession of a genealogical research, carried out by this Center, which demonstrates the descent from one or more persons awarded with noble titles
  • The Center does not issue certificates of nobility nor does it patronize enrollment in nobility yearbooks or lists.

Documentary and bibliographic research

The Center also searches for documents not necessarily relevant to genealogy, such as notarial deeds, cadastral deeds, ancient judicial deeds and archival research in general. It also carries out bibliographic searches relating to the history of Italian families and their respective places of origin.

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